Monday, 25 January 2016

Location Chocies

Locations Within Music Videos
Some music videos have many locations such as parks, bedrooms, recording studios and plain rooms. In my music video I used a variety of locations this is because this is a common theme to many music videos.

Location 1 - The Green Room

The reason I have chosen to film in the green room is because it is more convenient to film my friends at college as this is when I see them most. Also in the green room I can use the green screen which I can then add a background onto during editing. Therefore it doesn't restrict my ideas of having a plain background. Even more so the green room offers a range of lights such as suspended ceiling lights and back-lights which I can use for a three point lighting system.

Location 2 - My House

The reason why I have chosen to film in my house is because this is where me and my friend meet most often. We filmed on a sunny day so we had good lighting coming into the kitchen. I chose to postilion my artist against a white wall so she would be the main feature in the frame.

Other Locations:

Friday, 15 January 2016


This image shows the text which I sent my friend asking her to be in my music video. I then rang her and we have now decided and times and dates in which we can film my music video.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Transitional Make-Up

Make-Up Ideas
For my music video I want to show a young girl changing her appearance to please others. I am going to achieve this a number of ways however these are some of the ideas I would like to achieve.

Natural/No Make-Up
I have chosen a natural appearance because I think this is an important to show a natural look. Especially if young girls are watching my music video who may want to be inspired by the looks of the artist.

Eccentric/Skull Candy
I have chosen to use eccentric make up themes such as Skull Candy make-up. Although this make-up is hard to achieve I am going to give it ago because I think it would be a valuable make-up theme which some people may be able to relate to.



Posh Totty


St Trinians (2007)
I have taken some inspiration from a scene from the comedy, teen film St Trinians. In the scene below Annabelle, the new girl is finding her own identity. The rest of the girls in the school give her a make-up based upon stereotypes of young teenage girls. This is one of my favourite scenes because it shows how Annabelle doesn't fit in the school until her fellow peers help her find her identity. 


0.48 - 2.00 shows the make over taking place.

The young girls within the both films recently made stereotype the girls into having their own personal identity/be apart of a collective group. People sometimes find being part of a group of people with a shared identity helps them find their own character.


This clip is from the film Mean Girls in which everyone in the canteen is part of a collective identity group. People group themselves into categories which they have certain things in common with.