What allows us to put individuals into certain social classes. Theses can be gender, psychographics, age, education, subcultures, geographical location and lifestyle
Social Demographic Table:

A - Upper Middle Class & B - Middle Class
Genre = ClassicalExplanation = Classical music, tends to be for those who are well educated as they can understand the music which is being played. Also some classical music forms are in a different language therefore only those who are well educated will be able to understand them . Even more so those who are upper middle class tend to have been brought up in private schools in which the curriculum is shaped differently. This means subjects such as classical music and fine art can help shape a persons type of music they listen to. For example at Eton College they can participate in a number of Orchestras which focus on Classical musicians such as Mozart.
Music Video = N/A. This video shows a range of Classical musicians and their work.
Explanation = This video shows a collection of Classical musicians. I have not chosen a set music video to represent this type of class because they doesn't tend to be any. This is because most classical music was written in the 1700s and music videos are a relatively new to the music industry. Also some could argue that this style of music doesn't need a music video. This is because stereotypically those who listen to classical music tend to be older and would prefer to listen to the music rather than watch it. Creating a music video for this genre would be very difficult as most classical music consists of very little vocal performance and more instrumental elements.
C1 - Lower Middle Class & C2 -Skilled Working Class
Genre = POP, Folk, Dance
Explanation = Most people fall into the lower middle class and skilled working class, hence why this style of music for these classes vary. Most commonly the genre of POP is associated with mainstream artists as the music videos they create and music they sing is relatable to those in this class. The POP genre tends to follow features such as lip-syncing and narrative story telling. However the style of music varies, some songs are upbeat whilst others or sad, this is shown lyrically and during a music video. C1 and C2 social groups tend to experience money and social problems, therefore they can relate to issues raised within this type of music such as losing a job or experiencing a complicated breakup. Through the use of mise-en-scene bright and bold colours are used to display the 'normal' and 'happy' lifestyle of the artists. The clothing worn by the artists mirror that worn by C1 and C2 this is because it follows into the mainstream brands of clothing.Music Video = One Direction - What Make You Beautiful
Explanation = This video is aimed at young teenage girls and is follows the theme of love. This is a common theme within the POP genre of music. The boys within the video are wearing chinos which during 2011 were very popular and fashionable within mainstream fashion. The lyrics are aimed at young teenage girls who are experiences their bodies changing and falling starting to form relationships. The song talks about the issue of beauty/body confidence which is an issue C1 and C2 social groups can often face.
D - Working Class and E - Lowest Grade Workers
Genre = Rap , R&B
Explanation = Rap music tends to be issues which those from a working class background can relate to. Rapping can include many aspects such as rhyming, rap battles and splitting bars. Noel Gallagher recently said that 'The working classes have not got a voice any more. There doesn't seem to be a noise coming from the council estates." This suggests that the music which the middle class consume from is more popular than the music which the lower classes consume. I think this is because there is more money spent of the music which the middle classes listen to which makes it more consumable to a mass audience.
Music Video = Plan B - ill Manors
Explanation = Rap music tends to be issues which those from a working class background can relate to. Rapping can include many aspects such as rhyming, rap battles and splitting bars. Noel Gallagher recently said that 'The working classes have not got a voice any more. There doesn't seem to be a noise coming from the council estates." This suggests that the music which the middle class consume from is more popular than the music which the lower classes consume. I think this is because there is more money spent of the music which the middle classes listen to which makes it more consumable to a mass audience.
Music Video = Plan B - ill Manors
Explanation = This video expresses the anger which the working class face about being judged and under control from the bourgeoisie. The working class and lowest grade workers are seen as the proletariat, in which in a capitalist society they are only good for the their labor-power (their ability to work). Issues raised within the music video such as drug abuse and gang crime are more commonly associated with this class of people. The video makes references to bad language and shows images of politicians and policemen being portrayed in a negative way. Shots of the London riots also show how the working class were fighting against those who hold power over them. Also the lyrics show the anger in which these individuals face. "If we see them posh kids..." implies there is a clear separation between those at the top of the capitalist society and those at the bottom. The lyrics express the hatred and violence in which these individuals hold over them in power. Overall I think this video has been made to show a clear message about the anger this class of people face towards those in a higher class.
Key Questions - Demographics
Why is it important to understand demographics when producing a product?
- Find what the target audience needs to see in a music video
- Suit the music video e.g. Social issues which impact on a particular social group
- Change the meaning of the song for individuals
- Impact on how people purchase the song
- Suitable language used
How can the industry currently appeal to the demographic of the genre of music you are exploring ?
- Where is it sold ?
- How do the artists appeal to the audience ?
- Where and how do the audience consume it ?
- What merchandise and advertising techniques so they use that may appeal to the audience ?
- How do the media represent this genre ?
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